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是否有現貨: | 是 | 品牌: | 日立 |
加工定製: | 否 | 透鏡形狀: | 直角棱鏡 |
儀器放大倍數: | 50-100x | 類型: | 電子顯微鏡 |
顯微原理: | 電子顯微鏡 | 可移動性: | 臺式顯微鏡 |
筒數: | 單筒 | 目鏡放大倍數: | 50 |
物鏡放大倍數: | 100倍 | 適用範圍: | 掃描透射 |
型號: | HD-2000 | 圖像幀尺寸: | 640 × 480, 1,280 × 960 |
個人電腦/操作系統: | PC/at相容, windows&174XP |
日立 掃描透射HD-2000電子顯微鏡基本介紹
HITACHI日立 HD-2000電子顯微鏡 |
日立 掃描透射HD-2000電子顯微鏡性能特點
日立 掃描透射HD-2000電子顯微鏡技術參數
日立 掃描透射HD-2000電子顯微鏡使用說明
The HD-2000 has been introduced in response to the need for evaluation and analysis of ultra-thin sections in semiconductor applications
, the HD-2000 offers high resolution of 0.24 nm and a maximum magnification of 2 million times,-2000 offers a fast sample throughput:-2000 can be equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and can also be used in conjunction with the FB-2000A focused ion beam system,-2000 can be fully networked to allow transfer of images wherever they are required.
Z-contrast transmitted electron image
Windows - based user interface
Sample throughput 20-30 times faster than a conventional TEM
Optional phase-contrast transmitted electron image
: 4 x 5 metres
, the HD-2000 offers high resolution of 0.24 nm and a maximum magnification of 2 million times,-2000 offers a fast sample throughput:-2000 can be equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer and can also be used in conjunction with the FB-2000A focused ion beam system,-2000 can be fully networked to allow transfer of images wherever they are required.
Z-contrast transmitted electron image
Windows - based user interface
Sample throughput 20-30 times faster than a conventional TEM
Optional phase-contrast transmitted electron image
: 4 x 5 metres
日立 掃描透射HD-2000電子顯微鏡採購須知

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