

經營模式: 生產製造

所在地區: 山東省  德州市

認證資訊: 工商 資訊



首頁 > 產品列表 > 其他 > direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機

direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機

圖片審覈中 direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機
direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機 direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機 direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機 direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機 direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機
direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機


價格 面議
起批量 ≥1臺
供貨總量 10000臺
產地 山東省/德州市
發貨期 自買家付款之日起3天內發貨

祁書臣 先生
  • 183****5408


  • 祁書臣  先生  (經理)
  • 查看 號碼

  • 地址: 山東省 德州市   寧津縣 山東省德州市寧津縣大祁工業園


“direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機”參數說明

是否有現貨: 加工定製:
品牌: 榮達 適用物料: 多種可用
結構形式: 單級式 應用領域: 各類型行業
傳熱面積: 20 轉速: 20
功率: 3kw 外形尺寸: 1700*200mm
佔地面積: 60 重量: 280
型號: RD-SSD 規格: 全新
商標: RDP 包裝: 整機發貨
產量: 10000

“direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機”詳細介紹

 direct fired dryer網帶烘乾機

Custom-made small dryer, 1.7 meters long effective width 200, total width 400, heating length is 1.5 meters, the way of electric heating, drying metal balls, the sphere 2 mm temperature is more than 100 degrees, with a herringbone mesh belt,,, such as a star distributor, a swing belt, a grinder or granulator, on the conveyor belt,, each passage has one or more dehumidification systems, as the conveyor belt passes through, hot air passes from bottom to through the material on the conveyor belt,, the material is distributed evenly on the layer conveyor belt of the dryer,, the material is transported from the head of the machine to the tail of the machine, and the material falls into the third layer,,,, mass-produced belt drying equipment, mainly electric heating, coal-fired heating, steam heating, heat conduction oil heating, natural gas heating,, the mesh belt uses 12-60-purpose wire mesh belt, driven by the transmission device in the drier reciprocating operation, hot air through the material through the flow, water vapor from the discharge of wet holes, the water vapor is discharged from the wet hole,, the dryer can be divided into several layers, the common ones are two rooms, three floors, two rooms and five floors, t ngth is 4? 60 meters, and the effective broadband is 0.6? Net belt dryer by heat preservation tunnel, mesh belt, transmission device, inlet and outlet air pipe, heating source, blower, exhaust fan,, multi-hole air intake ensures drying area, air velocity distribution is uniform,, the moisture content of the material and the linear velocity of the net belt, the air flow rate and the air temperature must be properly, reasonably and organically combined.


給客戶定做小型烘乾機, 長度1.7米 有效寬度200,總寬400,加熱的長度是1.5米,電加熱的方式,烘乾金屬球的,球體2毫米溫度是100多度,用人字形網帶,速度從進到出2分鍾,溫度可調。


網帶式烘乾機將所要處理的物料通過適當的鋪料機構,如星型布料器,擺動帶,粉碎機或造粒機,分佈在輸送帶上,輸送帶通過一個或者幾個加熱單元組成的通道,每個加熱單元均配有加熱和循環系統,每一個通道有一個或幾個排溼系統,在輸送帶通過時,熱空氣從下往上通過輸送帶上的物料,從而使得物料均勻乾燥。基本工作原理是需要烘乾的物料通過提升機提升到高處,物料北布料器,均勻的分佈在烘乾機 上面的一層輸送帶上,輸送帶把物料從機尾輸送到機頭,然後物料滑落到 層,物料從機頭又被輸送到機尾,物料又滑落到 層,物料從機尾再次被輸送到機頭,如此反覆 反復的輸送,物料在被輸送的同時進行熱風烘乾,物料 後被 下面的一層不鏽鋼網帶輸送出烘乾機,這時物料被烘幹到客戶需要的程度。然後進行輸送降溫或者立即裝袋處理。網帶烘乾機是一種連續的,批量生產的帶式乾燥設備,主要有電加熱,燃煤加熱,蒸汽加熱,導熱油加熱,燃天然氣加熱,熱風加熱等等。其主要原理是將物料均勻的平鋪在網帶上,網帶採用12-60目的鋼絲網帶,由傳動裝置拖動在乾燥機內往復運行,熱風在物料間穿流而過,水蒸氣從排溼孔中排出,從而達到乾燥的目的,箱體長度有標準段組合而成,爲了節約場地,可將烘乾機分成多層式,常見的有二室三層,二室五層,長度4-60米,有效寬頻0.6-3.0米。網帶烘乾機由保溫隧道,網帶,傳動裝置,進風出風管道,加熱源,鼓風機,排溼風機等。網帶的線速視物料的種類和含水量而定。風流向採用負壓,多孔進風保證烘乾面積,風流風速分佈均勻,提高烘乾效果。要想得到 的烘乾效果和合適的產量,物料的含水量和網帶的線速度,風流量和風溫,都得必須適當,合理,有機結合。

諮詢  13210447625   18315825408方經理



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