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是否有現貨: | 是 | 酸鹼性: | 中性 |
形態: | 液體洗滌劑 | 應用: | 工業用 |
型號: | Tpp | 規格: | 230 |
包裝: | 桶 | pH: | 7 |
產量: | 100000 |
As a raw material for glass cleaning agents, the surfactant organic amine ester TPP can work together with other components to impart cleaning and wetting properties to the cleaning agent, effectively removing dirt and grease from the glass surface.
作爲除灰劑助劑,表面活性劑有機胺酯TPP可以幫助清除物體表面的灰塵和污垢,提高除塵效果。As an auxiliary dust removal agent, the surfactant organic amine ester TPP can help remove dust and dirt from the surface of objects, improving dust removal efficiency.
作爲去氧化皮劑,表面活性劑有機胺酯TPP可以與金屬表面的氧化皮發生反應,使其 容易從金屬表面去除。
1、組 成 : 胺酯類有機物
2、外 觀 : 無色或黃色透明液體
3、有效成份: 96%
4、PH 值: 7-9
5、HLB值: 易水溶性有機物質HLB值比較靈活!屬於兩性表面活性劑!水包油型產品!
5 水溶性: 易溶於水
Typical characteristics:
: Amino ester organic compounds
: Colorless or yellow transparent liquid
: 96%
: 7-9
: The HLB value of water-soluble organic substances is relatively flexible! Belongs to bisexual surfactants! Oil in water products!
5 Water solubility: easily soluble in water
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