柔軟劑 油酸酯EDO-86用作整理劑
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“柔軟劑 油酸酯EDO-86用作整理劑”參數說明
是否有現貨: | 是 | 酸鹼性: | 鹼性 |
形態: | 液體洗滌劑 | 應用: | 工業用 |
型號: | Edo-86 | 規格: | 200kg |
商標: | Baishuihe | 包裝: | 桶 |
顏色: | 淺黃 | pH: | 9 |
產量: | 10000022 |
“柔軟劑 油酸酯EDO-86用作整理劑”詳細介紹
是除蠟水 除油劑 切削液 研磨液等原料;可用作: 溼潤劑 整理劑 柔軟劑 勻染劑 水基潤滑添加劑 電鍍添加劑等
Ethylenediamine oleate edo-86
Procedentiam et aplicationem producentium:
Valde agentem finientium,, quod produktum bonum desiderium et tenebras sententiam habere potest.
As leveling agent, penetrant and wetting agent, it is added in the dyeing industry to slow and level dyeing, enhance the fast of dyeing and make the dyeing bright and beautiful.
It has the general characteristics of anionic surfactant, and has good cleaning ability for animal and vegetable oil, mineral oil, paraffin,,, habet bonam lubricationem, penetrationem et refrigendum, et habet bonam preventionem ferrous metallis.
-based synthetic and semi synthetic cutting fluid
Haec produkcija potest auferre omnes superficies metallorum et plasticum faciem rubricantem vasum,, strong wetting and permeability, low proportioning concentration, long holding time, excellent anti-corrosion effect, bright polished surface and good water washability; Dewaxing water manufacturers all use this raw material!
-ionic surfactant cum bono compatibilitate et forte solubilitate cum aliis surfactis est.
, inhibitorium rust is et ceteris produktorum.
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