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所在地區: 廣東省  深圳市

認證資訊: 身份認證




深圳市元鋒科技有限公司是示波器/電壓電流探頭,函數/任意波形發生器,頻譜分析儀的優良貿易批發商,竭誠爲您提供全新的ES612 ESD測試儀 HBM HMM MM,ITECH IT6000C系列直流電源,ITECH IT6000B系列 回饋式源載系統等系列產品。



首頁 > 產品列表 > 藍牙協議分析儀 > 藍牙協議分析儀 支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1

藍牙協議分析儀 支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1

圖片審覈中 藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1
藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1 藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1 藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1 藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1 藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1
藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1


價格 面議
起批量 ≥1臺
供貨總量 100臺
產地 廣東省/深圳市
發貨期 自買家付款之日起3天內發貨

楊先生 先生
  • 139****6199
  • 0755-40****68


  • 楊先生  先生  (銷售總監)
  • 查看 號碼

  • 傳真:0755-26526199
  • 地址: 廣東省 深圳市   寶安區 寶安大道3016號富星通大廈716.


“藍牙協議分析儀 支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1”參數說明

用途: 藍牙 WiFi協議分析儀 版本: 5.0/4.0/4.1/4.2/2.0
模組介面: USB介面 型號: Ellisys BTR1
規格: Ellisys BTR1 商標: Ellisys
包裝: 全新

“藍牙協議分析儀 支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1”詳細介紹

藍牙協議分析儀  支持抓包(藍牙BLE+WiFi)Ellisys BTR1

Bluetooth Low Energy and Wi-Fi Protocol Analyzer

Key Points:
¡ All-in-One: wired and wireless, concurrently, perfectly synchronized
¡ Wideband Capture: easy and rock-solid capture of all Bluetooth Low Energy channels
¡ Reprogrammable Digital Radio: ready today for tomorrow’s specifications
¡ Wi-Fi: debug your Wi-Fi a/b/g/n and BLE connections simultaneously, as well as coexistence
¡ Raw Spectrum Capture: characterize the wireless environment and visualize interferences
¡ Logic Analysis: visualize digital signals such as GPIOs, interrupts, debug ports, etc.
¡ Extremely Compact: pocket-sized at 7.5 x 7.5 x 1.7 cm (2.9 x 2.9 x 0.7'')
¡ USB Powered: portable, convenient and environmentally friendly
¡ All Protocols and Profiles: best-of-breed protocol decoding
¡ Free Maintenance: never a charge for software updates, free fully-featured viewer

Technical Specifications:
Bluetooth Capture Characteristicsn Ellisys Rainbow?: Wideband, concurrentcapture of all BLE channelsn Frequency band: 2.402-2.480 GHzn Sensitivity range: From -90 to +15 dBmn Gain: Programmable from -30 to +15 dBn Modulations: All BLE modulations (GFSK1 Mbps and 2 Mbps)n Baseband: Support of Bluetooth 5,upgradeable by software

Wi-Fi Capture Characteristicsn 802.11 a/b/g/nn Channel width 2.4GHz: 20 MHzn Channel width 5GHz: 20 MHzn 11n MCS 2.4 GHz 20 MHz channel: 0 to 7n 11n MCS 5 GHz 20 MHz channel: 0 to 7

Logic Capture Characteristicsn Maximum bandwidth: 50 MHzn Sampling precision: 5 nsn Supported input voltage: 1.8 to 3.3VHCI Capture Characteristicsn UART / SPI transports: Up to 8 Mbit/s,automatic detection of all parameters

Embedded Memory n 128 MB of FIFO memory n Data is stored in highly optimized format n Analyzed data is uploaded in real timethrough USB 2.0 connection Timing n Clock: ±10 ppm frequency accuracy over -10 to +60 degrees Celsius range n BLE timestamp accuracy: 125 ns n Wi-Fi timestamp accuracy: 1 us n Logic timestamp accuracy: 5 ns Connectors n Capture: Standard SMA female n Logic: 16 logic signals n Sync: Multi-unit synchronization ports n Control: USB 2.0 connection to control PC n Power: Optional 5V power input, max 3W Enclosure n 75 x 75 x 17 mm (2.9 x 2.9 x 0.7'') n 100 g (0.2 lbs)


價格說明:該商品的參考價格,並非原價,該價格可能隨着您購買數量不同或所選規格不同而發生變化;由於中國製造網不提供線上交易, 終成交價格,請諮詢賣家,以實際成交價格爲準。